5 things to consider before start own path

When we fall into the comfort zone, we tend to make excuses for the failure to achieve what we want. It's raining today, I can't jogging... I have no time to learn how to cook... I have no money to start my plan... I'm afraid of this and that... No Time... No Money... Afraid... Sound familiar?

There are a lot of reasons for someone to not start a thing. But most of the time, we just need one reason to start it, what if today is the last day to live? Will you still afraid of This and That? The first step always the hardest for us to take because it's stepping out of our comfort zone, the zone that is unfamiliar or unknown to us. We're afraid of the unplanned incidents and not capable to handle it. 

Before I start to take my own path, I took around one and a half years to make the decision. I tried to consider all the consequences, solutions when an issue happens, things to prevent for a smooth path. In the end, it's merely helpful because most of the time it's happened to be out of my control. Improvising will be the key to a lot of the problem. That doesn't mean we should just start our own path without any preparation. Here are the 5 things that I personally feel it will help.

1.    Plan budget ahead

Money Money Money! Yes, it's important. The path to success won't come easily, we need to be better prepared for surviving longer, that will increase the possibility for us to achieve what we want and go with our own path. Imaging after two months we start our own path, the budget already finishes and we can't even feed ourselves, how are we going to move on? Two ways that we can go for,

    • work part-time for our own path and quit the full-time job only after our own path can feed ourselves.
    • save money using full time and part-time job till we have the budget to quit the job and proceed with our path. 

Personally, I combine both ways, I work part-time for my path while save budget using my full-time job. When I quit my full-time job, my own way can't feed me yet. I want to force myself to step out of my comfort zone before I losing my passion to make my own way. 

2.   Delay enjoy life

There is a saying "Enjoy life while you can cause you never know what's gonna happen next". It depends on how we define enjoy life. Some definitions that I heard,

    • spend money
    • eat
    • traveling
    • sport
    • play game
    • family time
    • etc.

Mostly come with a main term, "No need to work". To achieve that, we need to change the quality of our time. Instead of use the quantity of time to earn money, use quality of time to earn money. By delay enjoys life, I mean temporary change the way we enjoy life with those that cost less or none before we are able to support the expensive ways of enjoying life. For example, change to reading, exercise, learn to cook for the food that we love, .etc. We still enjoy life, just to the extend that is affordable. 

3.   Ignore the naysayer

It's always easy to say than do, I know this before I take my own path but still fall into the trap. It's giving me a lot of pressure when the naysayer is the one you care about. They saying it because they don't want to see me going through the tough path. Regarding this, you have to identify whether they really care about you or they just want to see you failed. A lot of people denied my effort with the word "for your good". Many people trying to be King, they know everything, we will fail if no follow their ways. They will be happy when we fail because that makes their prediction come true, unconsciously they will try to make us fail. Learn to identify these people, leave them if they keep stopping you without giving facts on how you gonna fail.

4.   Improvise but never give up

Plan always falls behind changes. We need to learn to improvise to move forward. We can try to predict what's gonna happen but we won't be able to get all accurately. There is no way we able to learn everything and be prepared for it. No matter how worst the issue gonna be, take a deep breath, think for solutions, get opinions from experienced people. Just don't give up!! Always remember, it might seem big today, in five years time, it will be a small matter.

5.   Keep in touch with someone having a similar mindset 

If we stay with someone who has a different mindset, most of the time, we will be denied for most of the things that we try to discuss. That will demotivate us, by staying with people with a similar mindset, we can encourage each other, share experience or knowledge to help each other move forward.